Ava Fowlis

Witch of Weepy Grotto

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The Seeds of Desire Spawn the Deeds of Darkness...

Tamara Tanner is a 18-year-old girl coming to age in a quaint, inconsequential town called Weepy Grotto. As it is with most habitats either renowned or forgotten, this setting harbors a legend that few have ever bothered to seriously confirm or dispel.

But everything here in Weepy Grotto is about to change. In the summer of 1985, Tamara is on the cusp of exploring her budding sexuality, along with delving into an unsavory curse of witchery and murder buried in her hometown’s past. Tamara feels the first pangs of infatuation for a young handsome man whom she obsesses over inordinately. This allurement leads her into realm of self discovery, unbridled lust, and intimate danger.

Who is Millicent Caswell, and why is Tamara intent on uncovering the cruelty she endured at the hands of her neighbors and friends so many years ago? It is a tale replete with tawdry secrets, unscrupulous lies, and seductive betrayal woven into a backdrop where all that is righteous may soon fall prey to peril. Will Tamara find the truth that may purge the evil from Weepy Grotto? Or will temptation and carnality lure her deeper into her own subconscious yearnings?
Thomas Harper
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