Britt with No Sidebar

1128: Learning to Savor the Firsts and the Lasts by Britt with No Sidebar on Intentional Living

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Britt with No Sidebar shares her thoughts on learning to savor the firsts and the lasts. Episode 1128: Learning to Savor the Firsts and the Lasts by Britt with No Sidebar on Intentional Living No Sidebar was created by Brian Gardner and is all about designing a simpler life. He and the contributing authors want to help you figure out what's getting in your way, at home and at work. They want to help you let go of distractions, online and off--to turn down the noise that disrupts the quiet of your heart and soul. The original post is located here: https://nosidebar.com/savor/ Please Rate & Review the Show! Visit Me Online at OLDPodcast.com and in The O.L.D. Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts!
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