
Top Fat Fighting Tips, Peloton & Deep Nutrition - Shape Digest - 20 Minute Fitness #001

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In this episode of 20-Minute Fitness, we explore some effective fat-fighting techniques such as supplementing your diet with Vitamin D3. We find out more about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, a new treatment for depression and we discuss our Fit-Tech Feature, Peloton.

Ever wondered why you gain weight when lounging on a sofa? Interestingly enough, it is not just due to inactivity and it actually involves your cells. So what about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS, a sustainable solution to depression? Patients are connected to a series of wires and magnetic pulses are beamed inside them to change the way depression symptoms are perceived.

All this and more, in the 20-Minute Fitness Podcast.

As always, show notes will be made available later on 20minute.fitness.
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