Randall Wallace

Living the Braveheart Life

Are you ready to embrace your life with your whole heart?
Part biography, part master class, Living the Braveheart Life will challenge readers to fight to win on the greatest battlefield of all: the one inside the human heart, the one where an individual stands alone before God.
Once chosen as a speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast, Wallace shares how reflecting back on his life and career at that moment opened his eyes. “I’m not a philosopher or a preacher; I’m a storyteller, like Jesus. As nearly as I can tell, that’s my only similarity with him. Except for one other thing: like him, I’ve also cried out, ‘My God, why have you forsaken me?’” Fans of Braveheart will see how the Spirit who created Braveheart formed Randall Wallace’s life and career. Not the other way around.
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