kevin Hudson

Keto Diet for Ladies Over The Age Of 60

The Benefits of The Keto Diet For Ladies Over 60 is a comprehensive guidebook that aims to provide women over the age of 60 with a detailed understanding of the ketogenic diet and its potential benefits for their health and wellbeing.
The book begins by introducing the concept of the ketogenic diet, including its principles and how it works. It then goes on to explore the specific health concerns that women over the age of 60 may face, such as menopause, osteoporosis, and cognitive decline, and how the ketogenic diet can help mitigate these issues.
With practical advice and easy-to-follow meal plans, the book provides step-by-step guidance on how to adopt the ketogenic diet and make it a sustainable part of daily life. It also includes tips on how to navigate potential challenges, such as eating out or social occasions.
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Alice Dodd
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