Curtis Steele

Invasion of the Dark Legions

Once again James Christopher, known in the secret archives of Washington as Operator #5, is called on to battle a deadly threat to American freedom. A powerful army of invasion — armed with the most ghastly modern weapons: bacteria, plagues, hideous diseases — lay carefully hidden within the borders of the United States, ready to strike at the heart of the nation, to kill, pillage, demolish... A foreign demagogue, mad-drunk with power, greed, and lust, planned the slaughter of a million helpless men and women, to sate his twisted, race-proud ambition. Belligerent nations watched and waited, sighting America helpless before them. One man — Operator #5 — read the crimson writing on the wall — and he alone was left to battle the frightful odds! Go with crack Secret Service agent Jimmy Christopher as he meets the challenge of Invasion of the Dark Legion, torn from the pages of Operator #5 magazine, October 1934.
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