Bram Stoker

Dracula's Guest and Other Weird Stories (Unabridged)

Dracula's Guest and Other Weird Stories by Bram Stoker Audiobook is a collection of short stories by Bram Stoker, first published in 1914, two years after Stoker's death, at the behest of his widow Florence Balcombe.
The same collection has been issued under short titles including simply Dracula's Guest. Meanwhile, collections published under longer titles contain different selections of stories.

This Collection includes the best 9 short stories by bram stoker:
Dracula's Guest
The Judge's House
The Squaw
The Secret of the Growing Gold
A Gipsy Prophecy
The Coming of Abel Behenna
The Burial of the Rats
A Dream of Red Hands
Crooken Sands
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