Ash: Most women fall for me pretty fast. Maybe it's my killer combo of muscles and good looks, or maybe it's my reputation of always leaving them satisfied, if not panting for more.

But there's one thing I never do, and that's get involved for longer than it takes for both of us to get off a few times. Until Hannah Miller, that is. Somehow, she made me break all my own rules.

Hannah: I knew Ash Brody was trouble the minute he started bouncing at the bar I work at, and not just because he began to hit on me from day one, even as he seemed to go home with a different woman every week. Everyone here knows about the Brody bunch. Everyone knows they're nothing but trouble. Hell, I grew up Amish and even I know it.

And yet trouble is something I'm used to, almost comfortable with. I knew I could handle a man like Ash Brody. The only question is, could he handle me?

Contains mature themes.
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