Niki J. Mitchell

Time to Save a Cowboy

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Anything is possible when love is involved.
Captivated by the story of a cowboy hanged as a horse thief in 1890, an independent, modern-day woman travels back in time with only thirty days to save an innocent man.
Haunted by an old article about a man hanged over a hundred years ago, Mia Kellogg boards an old steam locomotive and plows right into the arms of the handsome cowboy Dusty Mann. Knowing time is of the essence, her problem is convincing her cowboy he’s in danger?
Dusty Mann works as a foreman but is determined to buy his own ranch.
He doesn’t need a modern, straightforward woman to barrel into his life or knock his plans off track.
But Mia steals his heart—and then claims she’s from the future.

Ashton Haugen
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