Jordan Paul

Little Red Panda And The New Yellow Bike

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Welcome to series one of The Everyday Adventures Of Little Red Panda.
We are passionate about protecting and stimulating our children's imaginations in a world that is increasingly dominated by passive pass times such as Television and online content.
Our stories are published provide in E-Book and Audio Book formats for children aged 3 and above. The stories contain questions to stimulate growing minds and developing emotions. Our audio books are professionally narrated and packed with stimulating sound effects to bring the scenes to life.. Our complimentary E-Books contain an image of our character that you can print and colour for fun.
Look out for the other series one books of The Very Rainy Day, The New Yellow Bike, Bakes A Cake and The Funfair.
Little Red Panda is a friendly panda who is kind and full of fun and sometimes curious to find out about things. He does a lot of the normal things that boys and girls do. Hear him interact with his family and friends in fun filled stories. Enjoy listening to the stories at home, on the move or even in your school class.
In this story Little Red Panda had received a bright yellow bike for his birthday. All he wants to do is get out and ride but it had not stopped raining so he has to be patient and wait for it to stop raining. Do you think he will be able to ride it?
Let's find out....

Author: Paul Jordan
Narrator: Paul Jordan
Editor: Phill James
Audio Production: Jon Holling
Graphic Design: Thiago Nascimento
From Original Idea By Phill James
Jordan Paul
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