Joseph Correa

Practical Mental Toughness Training for Boxing: Using Visualization to Control Fear, Anxiety, and Doubt

Practical Mental Toughness Training for Boxing will significantly change how hard you can push yourself mentally and emotionally through visualization techniques taught in this book.

Want to be the best? To be the best you have to train physically and mentally to your maximum capacity. Visualizing is commonly thought of as an activity that cannot be quantified which makes it harder to see if you are improving or making a difference, but in reality visualizing will increase your chances of success much more than any other activity.

You will learn three visualization techniques that are proven to improve your performance under any situation. These are:

1.Motivational Visualization Techniques.

2.Problem Solving Visualization Techniques

3.Goal Oriented Visualization Techniques.

These boxing visualization techniques will help you:

-Win more often.

-Become mentally tougher.

-Outlast the competition.

-Get to the next level.

-Recover faster and train longer.

How is this possible? Visualizing will help you to better control your emotions, stress, anxiety, and performance under pressure situations that are often the difference between success and failure.

Bringing out the best in yourself in any sport and reaching your true potential can only happen through a balanced training regimen which should include: mental training, physical training, and proper nutrition.

Why aren’t more people using visualizations to enhance their performance in boxing? There are a number of reasons but the truth is most people have never tried it before and are afraid to try something new. Others don’t think that improving their mental capacity will make a difference but they are wrong.

Practicing visualization techniques for boxing on a regular basis will allow you to:

-Increase your lung capacity by helping you relax muscle tension and decrease workload.

-Recover faster after training or competing through breathing techniques that will reduce muscle stress.

-Overcome pressure situations.

-Train harder and longer without getting as tired.

-Reduce your chances of getting cramps and muscle tears.

-Improve control over your emotions under stressful conditions.

-See results you never thought possible.

Visualizing is hard work and requires constant practice which is why only the best do it and take all the glory. Be the best you can be by pushing yourself to your mental limit using visualizations.
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