Haydee Dabritz

The Broken Pearls Chronicles

In the fall of 1985, when seventeen-year-old Lizzie begins an affair with Jason, a swimming champ in her high school and member of her church congregation, she has no idea her life is about to change forever. After succumbing to the temptations of the flesh, despite everything she has been taught, she discovers she is pregnant. Her best friend Michael offers a solution: she can marry him. With thoughts of Jason ever-present in her mind, Lizzie must execute an unforgettable wedding to fulfill her mother’s expectations and conceal her obsessive infatuation with her former lover. As she wrestles with her religious convictions, the sharp contrast between her wealthy parents and Michael’s financially strapped family, she must attempt to reconcile the religious and romantic concepts of love with the very real man who shares her bed at night.
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