Milly Taiden


Piper Flammia knows two things: she is the best park ranger in all of Alaska, and Colin Relik is a jerk. All she has to do is stay away from the man and focus on her dream job. So what if her one-night stand with Colin was amazing; she hasn’t heard from him in months. Who cares if she keeps running into him? She can definitely stay away from him. Even if her body has other ideas.
Colin Relik has a secret. He found his mate, but he’s doing everything in his power to avoid her. Too bad for the alpha polar bear shifter, fate has other plans. Or so it would seem. How else can he explain running into her three times in his first twenty-four hours in Anchorage? All he has to do is keep his paws to himself. Easier said than done.
But when a distress call comes from deep within the Alaskan wilderness, their paths are irrevocably linked. A snowmobile crash. A secluded cabin. A meddling town. The two will be so focused on saving Winterland, they might just stop fighting their fated mate connection.
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