K. Loraine

Denying the Watcher

Praised by #1 NYT Bestselling Author Rachel Van Dyken as "Spellbinding & addicting!” the second installment in the Watcher series, by K. Loraine continues the epic tale of Heaven vs. Hell with a sexy side of vampires.

Five years...that’s all I have left,
then the Watcher will take control.
But not before I use him to get what I want.

It seemed like a good plan at the time,
until I found her.
She's meant for me.
Now I can't leave her.
I won't go.

Sariel demands I hold up my end of our deal,
Fight the Fallen.
Win the war between Heaven and Hell.
But she's the one I never thought I’d find,
I can’t let the fallen angel take me from her.
I need to make a choice--her or my soul?
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