Jayci Lee

Booked on a Feeling

Lizzy “Overachiever” Chung, Esq. doesn’t know the meaning of “can’t.” That is, she doesn't until she passes out from a panic attack during her first trial. Her law firm gives her paid time-off to “relax,” but she has no clue how. Jack Park, her childhood friend, wants her to rediscover the iridescent joy she had pre-law school and college and convinces her to stay with him in Weldon. He's been planning to move away from his parents' loving but overprotective gaze and, more specifically, away from Weldon and his family’s brewery, but that can wait a few more weeks until his friend finds her footing again. But when an unexpected attraction flares between them while Lizzy tries to resuscitate a failing bookstore on Weldon, the two must choose between past dreams or their forever together. Sometimes the path to the rest of your life has been in front of you all along.
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Cindy Kay
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