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2240: How To Stop Giving Fear Power Over Your Life by Katie Ping of More Of What Matters Blog on Courage

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Katie Ping of More Of What Matters Blog shares how to stop giving fear power over your life.
Episode 2240: How To Stop Giving Fear Power Over Your Life by Katie Ping of More Of What Matters Blog on Courage
Katie Ping is a small-town writer, yogi, and mama who values simplicity. She spent decades of her life people-pleasing and drowning in guilt and shame over parts of her that she thought were unworthy. By her late-20s, she found herself passionless and riddled with anxiety - and she knew she needed a change. Instead of creating a multi-layered plan on how to attain more peace, she started small - with a walking meditation practice. Those 15 minutes of strolling in silence down a tree-lined residential street led her to where she is today - facing her fears of imperfection and doing it anyway.
The original post is located here: http://moreofwhatmattersblog.com/how-to-stop-giving-fear-power/
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