Eric Farber

The Case for Culture

Most lawyers don’t set out to be business owners. They become business owners when they open their own law firm, and from that point forward, their work tends to become disconnected and chaotic. They’re so busy with HR, bookkeeping, and marketing that they’re lucky to have twenty minutes a day to work on cases. Many lawyers are drowning, which contributes to the profession’s unsettling levels of alcoholism, drug addiction, and depression. Eric Farber knows what it feels like to be, as he puts it, “running in scarcity.” He did it for years before discovering the secret to turning things around: putting culture first.
In The Case for Culture, Eric gives lawyers the wisdom and tools they need to transform themselves and their culture. By creating a community of people and rallying them around a shared mission, you’ll build a law practice that will take care of you, not the other way around. If you want to grow your practice and be happy, it starts with culture.
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