Catherine Miller

The Missing Piece

For anyone who has ever felt the pang of heartbreak and feared you might never heal, this beautiful tale teaches us how to dust ourselves off and seek happiness again.

Sometimes a broken heart can actually break you. Keisha Grant learnt that the hard way. Fifteen years ago, something happened on an ordinary Wednesday. Something that imploded her world, shattering her life as she knew it. It changed her forever – the girl she used to be is nothing but a faded memory. Ever since then, Keisha's been in survival mode. The scar she covers with a tattoo is an important reminder: your heart can't break if you don't let it feel in the first place. It's an insurance policy she lives by. But the problem is that Keisha isn't living – she's simply existing. What will it take to convince her that someone out there could be her missing piece? And can she ever face up to her past, so that she can have a future?

“‘So heartbreaking… I was unable to put it down… This story will bring tears to your eyes but also a touch of warmth in your heart.! - STAR CROSSED REVIEWS
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