Joanna Rees

Come Together

MEET JACK. Jack Rossiter. I'm twenty-seven years old, single, and live with my best mate Matt. Matt and I started hanging out when we were eight. Life was simpler then. Our idea of fashion was polyester. I told him I wanted to be a spy and he asked me who I'd marry. I imagined falling in love with a girl so perfect I couldn't even guess her name. Things have changed since then. I did fall in love for a while but it didn't work out. And single is good, single is fun. MEET AMY. Something's got to change. Where are all the decent men? It's been six months since I last had sex. Six months! I mean, I've got my own flat, I've got A levels - so come on down Mr Right. At least it would get my mother off my back. Now find out what happens when they meet each other ...

A witty, shrewd and highly entertaining novel, Come Together seeps into the psyche of one man and one woman as they take their first tentative steps towards coupledom.
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