
Myth & Reality: General Stanley McChrystal

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I had the opportunity to speak recently with General Stanley McChrystal, retired four-star general, former Commander of the International Security Assistance Force and Commander, US Forces, Afghanistan. Since 2010, he has taught courses in international relations at Yale University as a Senior Fellow of the University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs.
General McChrystal is also the the bestselling author of Leaders: Myth and Reality, described by the publisher as follows: “Leadership is not what you think it is… and it never was. Find out why in our new book Leaders: Myth and Reality which explains why leaders are important, but rarely for the reasons we think. Leaders, the follow up to New York Times bestseller Team of Teams and Wall Street Journal bestseller One Mission, profiles 13 historical leaders and reveals essential lessons on leading today.”
The Future Authoring program I mentioned, designed to help people develop a vision and a strategy for their life, can be found at: https://www.selfauthoring.com/future-...
Year Alliance: https://about.serviceyear.org/
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