
Fan Mail Friday #32 | Advice for the 25-Year-Old Virgin

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Welcome to Fan Mail Friday #32! No jibber-jabber, just a short show where we answer Art of Charm listener mail and give out mini-lessons for the weekend!
In this episode:

While it might not be the end of the tunnel, it's good that you're seeing the light -- just make sure it's the right light.
How do you practice genuine gratitude without coming across as a kiss-ass -- especially in the workplace?
25-year-old virgins aren't as uncommon as you may think. (But if you're among them and you don't want to be, here are a few tips.)
You may be aware that you're making progress in your life goals, but how do you quantify that progress?
When you're giving a presentation, how do you deal with a question you don't really want to answer?
How do you save time with one simple email?
Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@theartofcharm.com!

Show notes at http://theartofcharm.com/podcast-episodes/fan-mail-friday-32-advice-for-the-25-year-old-virgin/
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Stay Charming!
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