Andrea Pearson

The Shade Amulet

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Who’s more dangerous—the brooding, attractive man she’s partnered with or the things they’re hunting?
Lizzie Ashton thought being a professional Fire Impeder was dangerous, but using her magic to stop bombs, guns, and fires before they start is nothing compared to what happens when Abel, an intense man she’s worked with previously, storms back into her life.
Abel needs assistance with a dangerous task that only Lizzie can do. She hesitates to accept his job offer, as what little she knows of his dark past unnerves her, despite their moments of attraction. But when the local police department calls her in on a disturbing murder investigation, Lizzie must put aside her misgivings and partner up with Abel.
Luckily, she has the Shade Amulet to help her. But as more people are murdered—and closer to Lizzie's home—the case quickly becomes personal. Is this job worth her life?
If you enjoy edge-of-your-seat fantasy action, slightly snarky humor, and a hint of romance, you’ll love the first book in the pulse-pounding Koven Chronicles. The Shade Amulet will thrill you to the core. Grab it now.
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