
Leonid Andreyev

Leonid Nikolaievich Andreyev was a Russian playwright, novelist and short-story writer, who is considered to be a father of Expressionism in Russian literature. He is one of the most talented and prolific representatives of the Silver Age period. Andreyev's style combines elements of realist, naturalist, and symbolist schools in literature.
életév: 21 augusztus 1871 12 szeptember 1919


Vero Alva LEidézettelőző év
Like the humans it feeds on, the vampire must respond to its own dark compulsions
Vero Alva LEidézettelőző év
there is a bit of the vampire in each of us
Vero Alva LEidézettelőző év
Unnatural beings can only exist close to the natural world and nature’s been displaced
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