Wayne Wheelwright

Wayne Wheelwright is the writer of over 60 books including quiz books and fact books on a number of subjects including TV shows, sports, celebrities, geography, the United States, history and pop culture.


Dušica Gavrilovi殩™ Novi Pazar, Srbija ©®™idézettelőző év
How many players are on the field for each team in a game of football?
b0539568842idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
pool in the Godswoood of Winterfell is filled with black paint to make it as reflective as possible. Also in Winterfell, the tower that Bran was pushed from by Jaime Lannister following Bran’s discovery of the Lannister siblings is the same tower, redressed that serves as the set for Bran’s bedchambers.


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👍Érdemes elolvasni

  • Wayne Wheelwright
    Taylor Swift Quiz Book
    • 9
    • 1
  • b2928560668megosztott egy benyomást2 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

  • Wayne Wheelwright
    Flash Villains Quiz Book
    • 7
    • 1
  • fb2epub
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