Yeo Jung Hwang

Hwang Yeo Jung was born in Seoul in 1974. Her debut novel, The Specters of Algeria, won the 2017 Munhak Dongne Novel Prize. Hwang’s next novel, Please Call My Name, was published in 2020.
életév: 1974 jelen


Riyam Alshimmaryidézett3 hónappal ezelőtt
I remember only two things for sure: the languorous heat and the feeling that a season was nearing its end.
Riyam Alshimmaryidézett3 hónappal ezelőtt
To be precise, we were talking about how sad we were that the mold had disappeared, and to be even more precise, we were thinking about a conversation we’d had when the mold had been expanding its territory.
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The spreading grayish-black spot s
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