Anika Walke


Fernanda Monsalvo Basalduaidézettelőző év
Imaginations of sedentism as the norm, either in the past or in the present, are seriously flawed; as Leslie Page Moch writes, “People were on the move, and where and why they traveled tells us a good bit about the past and about the pressures and processes that produced the world with which we are familiar.”5
Fernanda Monsalvo Basalduaidézettelőző év
Migration is typically understood to mean a move across a specified border or boundary from one location to another, usually with the aim of redefining one’s main place of residence
Fernanda Monsalvo Basalduaidézettelőző év
Within these movements, scholars distinguish between unidirectional and multidirectional, temporary and long-term, labor and educational, voluntary and forced, and settlement and return migrations
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