Owen Fitzpatrick

  • Emmanuel Mbaidézettelőző hónap
    There are billions of brain cells or neurons in our brain. Between them there are nerve connections or
  • Emmanuel Mbaidézettelőző hónap
    bridges that connect to each other. When you learn something for the first time, your brain creates a new bridge (also called a synaptic connection) between neurons, and the more you practise it, the more you reinforce that connection so that it becomes permanent.
  • Kadin Nguyenidézett19 nappal ezelőtt
    You see, when you begin to act more like you are at your best, you will naturally start to become more charismatic.
  • Kadin Nguyenidézett19 nappal ezelőtt
    To me, this is absolutely critical in becoming more charismatic. You have to like and love yourself.
  • Kadin Nguyenidézett19 nappal ezelőtt
    . A brilliant strategy, one we can all learn from, is to disassociate yourself from the person that other people think you are.
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