Ali Abdaal


kirasollyidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
Every day as I sit down to work, I look at my calendar and to-do list, and I ask myself: ‘What’s today’s side quest going to be?’
kirasollyidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
Imagine what your life would look like if you received five proverbial points for failing, rather than losing five like in the experiment. Imagine what would happen if people cheered you on for a little stumble rather than humiliated you. Imagine how you’d approach things if you treated them as experiments, where failure would be just as valuable as success.
kirasollyidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
Don’t be serious. Be sincere.’
Húzza és ejtse ide a fájljait (egyszerre maximum 5-öt)