Nita Tyndall

  • b9959468684idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    She. Kisses. Me.

    And I kiss her back
  • b9959468684idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    I love her so, so much, and that’s why I have to let her go.
  • b9959468684idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    I want to kiss her. I will keep running if it means I get to run after her
  • b9959468684idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    And I don’t have to know. I don’t have to have a map, a plan, color-coded schools on a spreadsheet. It’s okay that I don’t.

    It’s okay to want things for myself
  • b9959468684idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    But I can grieve, I can mourn, and I can remember
  • Alexandra Rodriguezidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Of course I know her, I know everything about her.
  • Alexandra Rodriguezidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Because she’s gone and it’s final and you’re the only one who knows and I can’t deal with that, I can’t deal with her being gone—
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