
Jeneva Rose

  • anastaziastankovicidézett25 nappal ezelőtt
    Did he love her? He loved parts of her. But the question isn’t whether or not he loved her. The question is… did he kill her?
  • ashabakirstenidézettelőző év
    It’s the only reason the human race isn’t extinct, because people with no purpose breed,” he says nonchalantly.
  • ashabakirstenidézettelőző év
    If they can’t handle me at my worst, they don’t deserve me at my best,” he says raising his chin.
  • ashabakirstenidézettelőző év
    “Adam, I need you to understand, I am here as your lawyer, not your wife.”
  • ashabakirstenidézett9 hónappal ezelőtt
    “Eleanor. Just stop. You’re being ridiculous.” I shake my head.

    “Am I? You couldn’t even keep an eye on your own mother… and look what happened to her.”
  • ashabakirstenidézett9 hónappal ezelőtt
    “Your son is a liar, a cheater, and possibly a murderer. Your coddling and over-the-top mothering has gotten Adam into this mess. The best thing you could do as a mother is to take note from mine and kill yourself.”
  • ashabakirstenidézett8 hónappal ezelőtt
    I may have not been the most honest person. Not to Adam, not to Anne, not to Matthew, not to Sheriff Stevens, not with any of them, but I’ll be honest with myself. Timing is everything and I timed everything out perfectly.
  • Gia Zzidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
    Before Sheriff Stevens can speak, I interrupt. “There’s no need.”

    “Why?” they both ask in unison giving each other a puzzled look.

    “I’m his lawyer
  • Gia Zzidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
    I composed myself in the bathroom prior. I’m no longer here as Adam’s wife. I’m his lawyer. I’m Sarah Morgan
  • Gia Zzidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
    I composed myself in the bathroom prior. I’m no longer here as Adam’s wife. I’m his lawyer. I’m Sarah Morgan
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