Piers Warren

Piers Warren is a wildlife film-maker and author living in rural Norfolk. He has walked the African plains with Maasai Warriors, tracked tigers in India on elephant-back, explored the Amazon rainforest, swum with sharks, trekked across Tanzanian deserts on a camel and filmed cheetahs hunting in Kenya. But his favourite place is the North Norfolk coast, where he spends his time capturing the flora and fauna on film … and looking for pawprints in the sand.Although Piers has written books and many magazine articles on a wide range of subjects he is best known, more recently, for writing the highly-acclaimed supernatural thriller Black Shuck: The Devil's Dog (Shortlisted for the East Anglia Book Awards 2012 and Norfolk Magazine's Book of the Month). Further thrillers featuring the protagonist Harry Lambert are in the pipeline ...Piers has led such a diverse life it's no wonder he writes in such a wide variety of genres. His careers have included school teacher, Royal Air Force Officer, sound engineer, musician, tree surgeon, multimedia producer, and wildlife film-making tutor.He is well known throughout the wildlife film-making industry as the Principal of WILDEYE – The International School of Wildlife Film-making, and as the founder of Wildlife Film News and producer of wildlife-film.com, which he created in 1999. With a strong background in biology, education and conservation, he has had a lifelong passion for wildlife films and has a wide knowledge of natural history. He is one of the founders of the international organisation Filmmakers for Conservation and was Vice President for the first three years. Wildeye Publishing have become the leading producers of instructional wildlife film-making books in the world.Piers has run a smallholding in Norfolk, UK and is keen to promote organic principles, sustainabilty and green-thinking. He has had a passionate interest in self-sufficiency since childhood and is still based in Norfolk where he grows his own food.
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