David Herron

David Herron has worked as a software engineer and software quality engineer in Silicon Valley for over 20 years. His current role at Yahoo is an Architect of the Quality Engineering team for their new Node.js based web app platform. While a Staff Engineer at Sun Microsystems, David worked as Architect of the Java SE Quality Engineering team where he focused on test automation tools, including the AWT Robot class that's now widely used in GUI test automation software. He was involved with launching the OpenJDK project, the JDK-Distros project, and ran the worldwide Mustang Regressions Contest asking the Java developer community to find bugs in the Java 1.6 release. Before Sun he worked for VXtreme on the video streaming stack which eventually became Windows Media Player when Microsoft bought that company. At The Wollongong Group he worked on both e-mail client and server software and was part of several IETF working groups improving e-mail-related protocols. David is interested in electric vehicles, world energy supplies, climate change and environmental issues, and is a co-founder of Transition Silicon Valley. As an online journalist on examiner.com he writes under the title Green Transportation Examiner, he blogs about sustainability issues on 7gen.com, runs a large electric vehicle discussion website on visforvoltage.org, and blogs about other topics including Node.js, Drupal and Doctor Who on davidherron.com.
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