Neil Forrester


George Titusidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
Customer Support
You should only work with a broker that has an active and professional customer support team. The customer support will help you in case you have any inquiries, especially if you encounter any technical problems.
George Titusidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
A cryptocurrency is a type of digital asset that functions as a medium of exchange. It is a substitute for money and operates as a virtual currency.
George Titusidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
What is Cryptocurrency?
A cryptocurrency is a type of digital asset that functions as a medium of exchange. It is a substitute for money and operates as a virtual currency. As such, it has no physical existence. Instead, it is held and stored electronically (online). Cryptocurrencies are secured by cryptography. Cryptography refers to the process of converting legible information into codes. It was predominantly used during the Second World War. Hence, you can rest for sure that it has a high level of security.
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