Courtney Carver



Verónicaidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
is so deeply intertwined in all of the changes you’ll be making, in the person you are becoming, and in the life you are
Verónicaidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
had enough.

I am enough.

I don’t need more approval.

I don’t need more money and stuff.

I don’t need more anymore.

When I discovered that I was enough without anything else, I saw that I was love. I am love.
Verónicaidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
had enough.

I am enough.

I don’t need more approval.

I don’t need more money and stuff.

I don’t need more anymore.

When I discovered that I was enough without anything else, I saw that I was love. I am love.
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