bookmate game
Susan Page Davis

New Joy

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Janes life has been one of trial. Orphaned at a young age, Jane was indentured as a housemaid. During an Indian raid, she was captured, carried off to Canada, and sold. Then her arranged, loveless marriage ended with the death of her abusive husband. So, when Captain Baldwin and Charles Gardner arrive and purchase her ransom, she returns to the village of Cochecho with very little hope left. Charles has no intention of finding a wifehe, too, has endured Indian captivity and is only just beginning to rebuild his life. But he cannot keep himself from thinking of Miss Jane Miller. A stilted courtship, a distant marriage, hostile Indians. Will life repeat itself for Jane, or does God have joy in store for those who remain faithful to Him? And I caused the widows heart to sing for joy. Job 29:13
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