CJ Lyons

NERVES OF STEEL: A Hart and Drake Thriller

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A deadly new drug epidemic puts an ER doctor in danger: “A perfect blend of romance and suspense. My kind of read.” –Sandra Brown, #1 New York Times–bestselling author of Thick as Thieves
Dr. Cassandra Hart is fighting a war. And losing. Her Pittsburgh ER has been deluged by young patients who’ve overdosed on a new drug called FX. After Cassie discovers that the source of the FX on the streets is her own hospital, her best friend is killed and Cassie’s life is threatened. She has no choice but to place her trust in Detective Mickey Drake.
Drake’s irascible charm eventually penetrates the barriers Cassie has built around herself, and their relationship progresses from professional to passionate. After Cassie discovers the truth behind the thefts, she and Drake must confront a killer. In the end, their only weapons are their newfound love and the courage that it gives them . . .
Written by a pediatric ER physician, Nerves of Steel combines gritty realism with the adrenaline rush of the ER. New York Times–bestselling and award-winning author CJ Lyons uses her insider’s knowledge of life behind the scenes to reveal the hidden truth of the medical world: No one is immune to danger.
“A page-turner . . . taut, gripping and nonstop.” —Carla Neggers, New York Times–bestselling author of Rival’s Break
Praise for CJ Lyons’ Thrillers with Heart:
“Breathtakingly fast-paced.” —Publishers Weekly
“Everything a great thriller should be—action packed, authentic, and intense.” —Lee Child, #1 New York Times–bestselling author of the Jack Reacher series
“Tense, whip-smart medical scenes . . . gripping.” —Tess Gerritsen, New York Times–bestselling author of the Rizzoli & Isles novels
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