
The Letters of Paul

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This book is perhaps the most accessible introduction to the writings of St. Paul ever written in modern English. That’s because Professor Bruce does not approach his “expanded paraphrase” as a Bible translator, but as a storyteller recounting the life of Paul after his conversion and his correspondence with churches and individuals. This expanded paraphrase “is designed to make the course of Paul’s argument as clear as possible,” says F.F. Bruce.

One unique aspect of The Letters of Paul is that Professor Bruce tells the story of Paul—his early career, his conversion, and his missionary efforts—which then becomes the setting for placing each of Paul’s letters in context and in approximate chronological order. Bruce’s fascinating connecting narrative serves as the historical background for each letter.

Originally published as a diglot with the Revised Version of 1881, this edition contains only Professor Bruce’s paraphrase so that the reader can compare it with a favorite translation. The Letters of Paul is really a treasure—it is illuminating and beautiful.
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