bookmate game
Sarina Bowen


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A sexy standalone USA Today bestseller.

You’d think a billion dollars, a professional hockey team and a six-bedroom mansion on the Promenade would satisfy a guy. You’d be wrong. For seven years Rebecca has brightened my office with her wit and her smile. She manages both my hockey team and my sanity. I don’t know when I started waking in the night, craving her. All I know is that one whiff of her perfume ruins my concentration. And her laugh makes me hard.

When Rebecca gets hurt, I step in to help. It’s what friends do. But what friends don’t do is rip off each others’ clothes for a single, wild night together.
Now she’s avoiding me. She says we’re too different, and it can never happen again. So why can’t we keep our hands off each other?

I loved this fresh new twist on the billionaire storyline and the absolutely dreamy hero. Nate is everything I could ever want in a book boyfriend — he's smart, confident, and completely smitten! Brooklynaire is sexy and addictive! — #1 NYT Bestseller Lauren Blakely
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  • Louise Nørskov Thorstedmegosztott egy benyomástelőző év
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  • b2821172263megosztott egy benyomástelőző év
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  • christajohnnissenmegosztott egy benyomást2 évvel ezelőtt
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    🌴Nyaralós könyv


  • Allan Rahbæk Rægaard Andreasenidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    hen I point my finger like a gun at Leo Trevi and cock the safety. “That’s it. That’s the whole show. Ask again and your luggage goes missing on the flight home.”
    “Fuck,” he says, hopping down. And everybody laughs.
  • Sumiya Sulthanaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    If not now, then when.”
  • Sumiya Sulthanaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Faith is the difference between the winner and the loser in every contest


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