Clare Connelly

Claimed by the Greek Collection

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Four gorgeous Greek billionaires prepare to claim their unexpected heirs — and the women who ignite in them an all-consuming desire!
From Clare Connelly, Pippa Roscoe, USA Today bestselling author Lynne Graham and Julia James come four secret baby romances, filled with drama, secrets and searing passion…
The Greek's Billion-Dollar Baby by Clare ConnellyThe man with the iron will…meets the woman who will change his life!
Tragic loss has led outrageously wealthy Leonidas Stathakis to deny himself all pleasure. Until he meets innocent Hannah at a lavish party in Greece… That night, Leonidas breaks all his rules, indulging in red-hot oblivion—with inescapable consequences…!
Claimed for the Greek's Child by Pippa RoscoeThe billionaire is back…and he will legitimize his secret heir!
To secure his shock heir, Dimitri…
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