Will Gray

Rediscovering Silence

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In an increasingly noisy, distracting world, the idea of enjoying silence—healthy silence—has become for many people just a mirage. We talk about “a little peace and quiet” not because we experience it regularly, but because it's a joke we tell ourselves when we're overwhelmed.

Silence is on the endangered experiences list. Today, if you're like most people, you'll spend 11 hours today in front of screens, interact with your phone more than 2,000 times, and encounter just as many commercial messages. Silence will hardly show up at all. Certainly not moments of silence you intentionally planned.

Part of the challenge is that silence has gotten a bad rap. The silent treatment, silent betrayal, and even deprivation have made us gun-shy, and rightly so.

Is it even worth trying to include silence in our lives? Rediscovering Silence argues yes. Using silence well is like using a muscle, and the best kinds of silence can rehumanize us, by introducing us to the gifts of listening, canvas, answer, anticipation, respect, rest, and wonder.

From the anechoic chamber of Microsoft's headquarters to the 36 questions that bring people closer together, from John Cage's “4 minutes and 33 seconds” to Yom HaShoah and the sunken place, this book is an adventure in search of an answer: How can we find ourselves again in silence?

Explore powerful ideas as different as comic timing is from silent mode. Learn from voices as diverse as Jordan Peele and Jesus, Shusaku Endo and J.S. Bach, Arthur and Elaine Aron, Öslem Cekic, Emma Gonzalez, and Orson Welles.

Do you know the only difference between noise and music? It's whether the pattern between sound and silence is meaningful, or meaningless. The same is true of your life. Rediscovering Silence was written so you can begin to find, pursue, and even help to create a meaningful rhythm between sound and silence, a rhythm that transforms your life more into the music it's meant to be.
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