Iain Campbell,Amber Johnson,John Jennings,Reynaldo Anderson,Sheree Renée Thomas,Clinton R. Fluker,Dariel Cobb,Enrique Carrion,Jessi Jumanji,Natasha A. Kelly,Sheeba Maya,Sherese Francis,Souleymane Ba,Susana M.,Tim Fielder,Wriply Marie Bennet

The Black Speculative Arts Movement

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The Black Speculative Arts Movement: Black Futurity, Art+Design is a 21st century statement on the intersection of the future of African people with art, culture, technology, and politics. This collection enters the global debate on the emerging field of Afrofuturism studies with an international array of scholars and artists contributing to the discussion of Black futurity in the 21st century. The contributors analyze and respond to the invisibility or mischaracterization of Black people in the popular imagination, in science fiction, and in philosophies of history.
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