Bree Wolf

Betrayed & Blessed

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Two strangers. One masked ball. And an irresistible attraction.
TRISTAN TURNER, VISCOUNT ELTON, is haunted by a night he cannot remember.
Abandoned by his beloved sister, Tristan finds himself in a world devoid of love and acceptance, a world without hope. All that is left are the hushed whispers of London society about the madness that drove his parents into an early grave. A madness that taints his own blood.
Until fate intervenes…and his path crosses that of a young lady.
BETH WALKER is driven to uncover a secret.
Left alone after her mother's untimely death, Beth feels utterly betrayed by those she trusted. With only the clothes on her back, she travels to London, following the only clue to her mother's past. Posing as a maid in a nobleman's household, she finds herself at a masked ball… and catches the eye of a young gentleman.
But when all secrets are revealed, will their love have a chance?
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