Terry Goodkind

Naked Empire

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The Sword of Truth series follows Richard Cypher, a young woodsman intent on tracking down his father's murderer. His quest will take him far from home, embroiling him in an ancient war, three-millennia past, that is about to re-ignite with world-shattering violence.

Time is running out. The Imperial Order has D'Hara under siege, Wizard's Keep is threatened, and Richard Rahl has been poisoned.

There is an antidote, but it comes at a high price. Richard has been poisoned by an agent of the Bandakar, a people protected from the ravages of the Imperial Order by an ancient magical barrier… until the war Richard unleashed destroyed it. The price they demand is salvation from annihilation.

With the shadow of death looming, his powers fading and Bandakar crumbling before the Imperial Order, Richard must lead a desperate people to victory.
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847 nyomtatott oldalak
A szerzői jog tulajdonosa
Head of Zeus
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  • thilinidevindiidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
    as they passed through the tapestry lined halls of the Keep. “I’d hate you to go making any firm commitments before we even know if the stew is edible.”

    “Friedrich helped me with the heavy parts,” Rachel said. “He says it’s good.”

    “We’ll see,” Chase
  • thilinidevindiidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
    Anson put a fist
  • thilinidevindiidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
    Anson put a fist


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