Carol Ericson,Elle James,Robin Perini,Delores Fossen,Rachel Lee,Julie Anne Lindsey

Lawman with a Cause/Missing in Conard County/Delta Force Die Hard/Six Minutes to Midnight/Last Stand in Texas/Shadow Point Deputy

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Lawman With A Cause – Delores Fossen
When a serial killer begins targeting the recipients of his late fiancee's organs, Sheriff Egan McCall must protect former hostage negotiator Jordan Gentry, the woman he blames for her death – and the one he can't stop thinking about.
Missing In Conard County – Rachel Lee
When three girls go missing, only K-9 officer Kelly Noveno and her friend Al Carstairs continue searching after a violent winter storm buries evidence.
Delta Force Die Hard – Carol Ericson
Delta Force soldier Joe McVie secretly investigates a group of aid workers after they accuse his commander of planning an attack on a refugee camp. While he initially questions heiress Hailey Duvall, her own suspicion toward her companions ultimately puts her in danger. Now protecting her becomes the most important mission of Joe's career.
Six Minutes To Midnight – Elle James
Navy SEAL Trace ‘T-Mac’ McGuire and his team are sent on a mission to find the source of a traitor selling arms to Somalian rebels. Tasked with protecting a sexy dog handler and her uniquely trained canine, T-Mac never planned on falling for the pretty soldier…
Last Stand In Texas – Robin Perini
Desperate to protect her daughter, Faith Thomas flees her serial killer ex-husband. Now she is forced to rely on Leon Royce, a mysterious stranger with dangerous secrets of his own.
Shadow Point Deputy – Julie Anne Lindsey
Can playboy deputy Cole Garrett win the tender heart of Rita Horn, a witness in his protection… or will his distraction prove deadly?
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