Carri Hammett

First Time Knitting

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Learning to knit has never been simpler! Get started with a step-by-step guide to every essential technique with photos and nine simple projects.
Knitting is more than just a way to make something. With minimal investment of time and money, you’ll soon discover that the process is relaxing and even therapeutic. You may look forward to your quiet time with needles and yarn as the best part of your day.
This book teaches you a range of knitting skills, from the most simple, basic ones to more advanced techniques that will launch you confidently into the full spectrum of knitting options. Each chapter begins by teaching the skills needed to make the projects in that chapter. As you progress through the book, new techniques are introduced that build on the skills that were presented earlier. Learn about:Basic knitting, from choosing a yarn and tools to your first techniques (Projects: Garter Stitch Scarf and Scarf Knit with Two Yarns)Creating texture by combining different stitches (Projects: Baby Blocks Blanket and Seed Stitch Table Runner plus Variation)Shaping by increasing and decreasing stitches (Project: Leaf Edge Shawl)Knitting in the round with circular needles (Project: Easy Knit Hat)Putting it all together by picking up stitches and making seams (Projects: Directional Blocks Scarf and Baby Bathrobe)
There’s a first time for everything. Enjoy the journey and achieve success with First Time Knitting!
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