Sagar Publications

Vastu Shastra (Based on Classics)

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In this book the principles of Vastu as propounded in our ancient books that are MUST have been explained in a manner that can be comprehended by everyone. The essentials ENERGY SOURCES are air, sunlight, and the cosmos energy. These with the knowledge of energy flow assigned to different sectors (Agni, Varun, Yam etc) and directions (Eeshan – North East for prayers, South – East for Agni etc) have been accounted while explaining the basics. They are important for creating subtle energies which provide for mental peace and happiness in a property and related to you as an energy source too.

This book can be used as a ready referral by all. It would be very useful while you start construction or reworking a property. The energy flow can correct impressions that are important for peace. The author is sure that readers will find this book interesting. It can be used by all in various walks of life.
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