Jacquelin Thomas

Wrangling Wes

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Lassoed by Love?
What's a city girl like Lydia Emerson doing in Granger, Montana? Her movie-actress boss has given her plenty of strange assignments before, but this one trumps them all. Lydia must win herself a cowboy.
And Wes Broward is not just any cowboy. As the millionaire son of the renowned Broward ranching dynasty, he is handsome and confident enough to be a movie star himself–and he knows it. Lydia uses all her L.A. savvy to land this bachelor at a cowboy auction. But “winning” Wes is only the start of her troubles.
When one date leads to several, Lydia finds herself falling a little too hard for the charismatic cowboy. With her boss demanding all kinds of confidential information on the Broward clan, Lydia is wracked with guilt. She is just one short step away from losing it all. Will Wes bring her back into the safety in his arms–all in the name of love?
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