Dale Carnegie

How to Win Friends and Influence People

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How to Win Friends and Influence People covers a lot of ideas. A good way to understand the book is to learn the general principles underlying the book. Then we’ll cover a checklist for two common situations:
1) how to approach arguments,
2) how to give feedback and change someone else’s behavior.
People crave the feeling of importance. Make someone feel important and they will think well of you. Diminish someone’s importance and they will resent you.
Appeal to the other person’s interests. Virtually all people care more about what they want than what you want.
You wouldn’t go fishing with cheesecake as a lure, since fish don’t like cheesecake. Go fishing with worms.
Keep asking yourself — “what is it that this person wants?”
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  • Jessmegosztott egy benyomástelőző év
    👍Érdemes elolvasni
    🔮Rejtett mélységek
    💡Sokat tanultam

    Never thought i would enjoy every single word of this book. Wow. A masterpiece in public speaking, human relationships and salesmanship.


  • Jessidézettelőző év
    A movement for adult education has been sweeping over the nation; and the most spectacular force in that movement was Dale Carnegie, a man who listened to and critiqued more talks by adults than has any other man in captivity. According to a cartoon by ‘Believe-It-or-Not’ Ripley, he had criticised 150,000 speeches
  • Jessidézettelőző év
    The way to develop self-confidence, he said, is to do the thing you fear to do and get a record of successful experiences behind you. So he forced each class member to talk at every session of the course. The audience is sympathetic. They are all in the same boat; and, by constant practice, they develop a courage, confidence and enthusiasm that carry over into their private speaking
  • Jessidézettelőző év
    So he was forced to be swift and practical. Consequently, he developed a system of training that is unique – a striking combination of public speaking, salesmanship, human relations and applied psychology
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