Maria Montessori

The Montessori Method

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The Montessori method is characterized by an emphasis on self-directed activity on the part of the child and clinical observation on the part of the teacher. It stresses the importance of adapting the childs learning environment to his or her developmental level, and of the role of physical activity in absorbing abstract concepts and practical skills. The Montessori method teaches reading via phonics and whole language, the comparative benefits of which are currently being recognized.To all educators this book should prove most interesting. All who are fair-minded will admit the genius that shines from the pages which follow, and the remarkable suggestiveness of Dr. Montessoris labors. -Henry W. Holmes
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  • Haura Emiliaidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    My idea was that in order to establish natural, rational methods, it was essential that we make numerous, exact, and rational observations of man as an individual, principally during infancy, which is the age at which the foundations of education and culture must be laid
  • Haura Emiliaidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    parents shall learn from Dr. Montessori something of the value of child life, of its need for activity, of its characteristic modes of expression, and of its possibilities, and shall apply this knowledge wisely, the work of the great Italian educator will be successful enough
  • Haura Emiliaidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    but practically it remains true that the common conditions of family life prohibit any such freedom as is exercised in a Montessori school


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