Priscilla Royal

A Killing Season

MEDIEVAL MYSTERY: On a remote East Anglian coast stands Tyndal Priory, home to a rare monastic order where men and women live and work together in close proximity. Twenty-year-old Eleanor of Wynethorpe has been appointed prioress by Henry III over the elected choice of the priory itself. Young and inexperienced, Eleanor will face a grave struggle – in a place dedicated to love and peace, she will find little of either.

A KILLING SEASON: Winter, 1274. Baron Herbert 's return from crusade holds no joy. Morose, withdrawn and secretive, the Baron is a shadow of his former self. Something happened in Outremer, and when the his sons begin to die in terrible accidents, some ask whether the Baron harbours a dark sin for which God has cursed him.

Can Eleanor help him before Death's scythe harvests more souls?

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